Batch File Renamer v1.0.1

Batch File Renamer is a tool to rename files in a batch process, it is a very easy and simple tool to rename any type of file. You can add remove,insert and replace or text from your file's name,and you can replace file name extension to UPPERCASE,lowercase,littile case or sentence case.
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68 votes Vote

Don't make it wizard like! Just create an option window then we can change what we want.

Envil, 06.12.2011, 08:06
1 comment
36 votes Vote

have the facility to scan a directory and all subdirectories for folders of a certain name and be able to rename them automatically

matthew hall, 06.12.2011, 09:07
29 votes Vote

be able to rename files with invalid characters

be able to rename files with invalid characters what is not possible in OS
decas, 06.12.2011, 07:35
22 votes Vote

to instll in a group / folder not to place its files directly in start/programs

plce the installed program and uninstaller into a sub folder in the start programs meune like most respected software
decas, 06.12.2011, 07:40
19 votes Vote

Conver code page characters to UNICODE

Convert Code page base char into the UNICODE , UTF8... Often files come with different code page that cant be displayed properly in other code pages
decas, 06.12.2011, 07:32
15 votes Vote

Support for drag and drop

The user should be able to add files by dragging them to the program GUI
Sherko, 06.12.2011, 16:41
1 comment
10 votes Vote

Dear GOTD user, We are updating our Software and now it will not ask for the Activation Key.

algologic, 06.12.2011, 11:38
1 comment
7 votes Vote

Old-fashioned interface, possibilities for registering in context menu, must exists settings menu

Albena, 06.12.2011, 10:21
5 votes Vote

have the files creation date integrated into the name along with other series option names.

It would be nice to have more powerful series option nameing. the user specifies a core name, and the program adds additional series info. Rename with core name + a numerical or alphabetical sequence, with punctuation options: wedding_1,...
wfpalmer, 06.12.2011, 13:56
1 comment
5 votes Vote

Add TAG batch rename. to rename TAG's in Music files.

Leon, 06.12.2011, 21:15
1 vote Vote

function 'Replace Text in Filename' - Should have ability to batch import .csv,.xls,.txt file by columns/fields option to populate this section to Replace Text | Replace By

soul, 07.12.2011, 04:23
0 votes Vote

Drag/Drop in Batch File Renamer

I 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Umpteenth the necessity for Drag/Drop. That should have been a no-brainer.
AlkanMM, 07.12.2011, 01:06
0 votes Vote

have a way to automatically add/rename files with number to correspond to track number

D Geen, 07.12.2011, 01:34
0 votes Vote

If you really wanted to improve it further... use the same 'replace text' function to replace words within the content of each extension file like .txt .doc .xls .csv etc... that should be helpful

soul, 07.12.2011, 04:27